MumSafe x Flourish Mama

Progress starts with a step, how big will your step be?

MumSafe x Flourish Mama

Join our Flourish Mama village as we move our bodies in support of families in Australia who have experienced Birth Trauma. 

Birth Trauma can be physical or psychological and is estimated  to effect more than 110,000 families each year. The deep impact of this can be far reaching and really lonely. 

So, here we are, showing up, walking 110,000 steps together and letting it be known that no family should have to experience this.

Let's Go Mama's! 

Once you have registered to join us, be sure to head to this group and connect with our team!

A little more information: 

Funds raised will go to the Australiasian Birth Trauma Association (ABTA). The ABTA is on a mission to reduce the instances and impact of birth trauma whilst supporting affected women, families and healthcare professionals.


ABTA Defines Birth trauma as a wound, serious injury or damage – it can be physical or psychological (deeply upsetting and distressing) or a combination of both. Both mother and the father/partner can be affected by birth trauma. 

If you need help have some really good resources. 

Thank you to our Sponsors




Kadwell Homes

Thank you for all you do for families wonderful Alyssa!


Kate T

Such an important cause


Alyssa Booth


Erin Commins


Amy Kline


Sam Craddock




Renee Leeming


Hannah Norrie


Emily Gatwood